Julie Williams has recently been appointed by Redruth Tennis Club as Head Coach with her business ‘JW Tennis’ taking over the clubs coaching programme from Friday 13th September 2024. Julie will be leading all the adult and junior coaching activities from this date and will also be available for private lessons.

Julie is an LTA Accredited+ Level 4 senior performance coach with over 25 years of tennis coaching experience in both development and performance tennis. Julie has recently added a level 8 Postgraduate diploma in sports coaching to her vast personal development portfolio and has held many long standing head coach, and self-employed coaching positions for clubs across both Somerset and Devon. She has developed many county champions for both Devon and Somerset, as well as having worked for a leading grass roots tennis charity, renown for taking tennis to the masses, particularly within the
more deprived communities of the UK. Off court Julie has held both management and development positions for Tennis Wales the National Governing Body and has completed Sport Wales’s women in leadership training programme with other selected governing body officers, for potential future executive leadership positions.

Julie volunteered in a ‘workforce development role’ supporting Somerset LTA committee, with developing and mentoring future coaches, as well as being the Somerset ambassador for Judy Murray’s ‘She Rallies’ initiative to inspire future female participation and development within tennis. When relocating back to Devon, she then undertook a role as a ‘Devon County Coach’ supporting Devon Tennis’s performance training programme.

Julie looks forward to bringing her business to Cornwall to support the club and make an impact for players of all ages and standards, across the local community. To book on a coaching session visit: www.jwtennis.com
